Mike Tyson Photographs By Lori Grinker

Lurking in the shadows of an art school photo assignment was a young boxer by the name of Mike Tyson. Upon discovering him, legendary trainer Cus D’Amato foreshadowed his future as the heavyweight champion of the world.
Little did they know at the time, but soon enough, Lori Grinker would have exclusive photographic access to Tyson during his heyday in the 1980s and 1990s. The photographs in her book Mike Tyson Photographs by Lori Grinker are like never seen before. The collection offers up a glimpse into a seldom-viewed part of Tyson’s life — both inside and outside of the ring with some truly iconic figures. All her works are intensely personal, with a unique privilege that allowed her to observe moments that many were not able to witness.
From the funeral of Cus D’Amato, trips abroad, Robin Givens, their wedding, divorce proceedings, and all that happened in between — each photograph captures something special within its frame. One could say it almost feels like being transported back to those times as Lori’s lenses give us an amazing insight into every moment made available to us, captivating yet nostalgic all at once.
Being able to witness such powerful and emotional events first-hand through photography is truly remarkable, especially given how there is so little known about this part of Tyson’s life, given he only recently opened up about it. From his time training with Cus until his fateful loss against Buster Douglas in 1991, Lori was there for all these moments — capturing history with her exquisite lens and unique eye for detail.
Each photograph is vivid and enthralling, which conveys a simultaneously epic and intimate sense of what it must have been like being around Mike Tyson at his peak before mainstream media attention kicked off for him.
This book allows readers today to live vicariously through these breathtaking photographs, providing them with an unparalleled perspective on one man’s incredible rise from obscurity — showing Mike Tyson in his most vulnerable yet inspiring state.
Photos Credit: powerHouse Books
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