Hermeus Hypersonic Plane

When it comes to innovation in the aviation industry, Hermeus Hypersonic Plane is a game-changer. The ambitious company is looking to revolutionize global travel with its unmanned test aircraft that has been dubbed the Quarterhorse.
With a top speed of Mach 5.5 or 4,219 mph, this remarkable vehicle has already secured funding from the United States Air Force and could be flying test runs as early as 2023. The science behind such a feat is equally awe-inspiring. Hermeus’ Quarterhorse is powered by a turbine-based combined cycle (TBCC) engine that combines the proven GE J85 turbojet engine for launch and landing with an incredibly powerful ramjet for in-flight propulsion that’s able to reach unprecedented speeds for hypersonic flight.
This amazing combination of technology makes it possible for the Hermeus Hypersonic Plane to fly from New York to London in under an hour once their larger commercial passenger version is ready in 2029. Something that many would have deemed impossible even just a few years ago. The potential of this incredible innovation can’t be overstated; the world may never be quite the same again once this revolutionary plane takes to the skies.
Travel times for international routes could drastically reduce, making it easier than ever before to travel long distances quickly and conveniently while also drastically reducing emissions compared to conventional aeroplanes. It’s truly an exciting time for both aviation enthusiasts and curious individuals alike.
Photos Credit: Hermeus
Originally published at https://www.infinitymasculine.com